Yoba Probiotic Food Today:

7 COUNTRIES | 3 hundred companies
1 million consumers | 1 quadrillion probiotic yoba bacteria

EMAIL US AT info@yoba4life.org


Yo-bye bye

This last week I have slowly been getting to wrap up the project. People from UIRI have visited Katete to inspect the plant, Fred has come from Katete to UIRI to get to know the most important people, and the agreements have been made for further collaboration. The foundations have

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Farewell Uganda

Six months have gone by since I set foot on Ugandan soil for the first time. It is not easy to put these six months into words; do justice to everything and everyone that has been important to me and the project; and not sound too cheesy or cliché when

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Yoba goes to School!

Dear loyal readers, Today we had our first large-scale distribution of Yoba yoghurt! As you may have read in Bernd’s last post, after weeks of struggling in the lab to get our beloved Yoba taste back we were finally able to produce the healthy drink again. This meant quick action

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Jean’s smile

Hello readers, Today I just want to share a happy moment for Yoba with you. For the past few weeks, Chris and me have been busy in the laboratory trying to produce frozen starter. This frozen starter is produced by inoculating the bacteria in milk, letting them ferment for approx.

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Gulu and a perfect start of the year

A good afternoon to all of you, A month has gone by since my last update, so there is a lot to tell. As Chris described in his last blog, we spent Christmas on a remote island in Lake Victoria. After celebrating New Years Eve on a festival in Kampala,

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Yoba 2012

Dear all, I would like to start this blog with the cliché “Happy 2012!!” for all our followers. Thank you for taking interest in our project 🙂 We have been taking some time off to celebrate the holidays, spending Christmas on a fantastic island in Lake Victoria. Nothing to do

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Merry Christmas!!!

Hello everyone, It is time for my last blog of the year, as Yoba will go on holidays for the next two weeks. Today was my last day at the Ugandan Industrial Research Institute (UIRI), where I was working together with our Ugandan colleagues in a very relaxed and enthusiastic

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Half way there

Dear readers, It is the first day of December (although the weather would not suggest it) and I am officially half way my stay here. However cliché it may sound, it feels like time has flown by. I am happy not to be leaving quite yet, and feel good about

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Life as it should be…

Hello my faithful readers, I fear I will have to start this blog in the way that I begin most emails: Sorry for not writing for so long, but life is really overtaking me at the moment! Almost two weeks ago, Chris and me were confronted with an unpleasant choice.

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