Yoba Probiotic Food Today:

7 COUNTRIES | 3 hundred companies
1 million consumers | 1 quadrillion probiotic yoba bacteria

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Bukumansimbi consumes healthy probiotic yoghurt

BUKOMANSIMBI – From the 25th to the 28th of March, the youth and children affairs minister Florence Nakiwala Kiyingi celebrated the appointment in her new position with a thanksgiving ceremony in Bukumansimbi district, hosting President Yoweri Museveni as the guest of honor on the 28th. The event was combined with

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Exponential growth

There has been more to the work of Yoba then pasteurizing milk on bonfire’s in the bush. It must have been more than a year ago that I joined a team of Yoba and Heifer people and we confined ourselves in the Heifer Uganda office.  After a conclave of several

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Strawberries and peanut plants

“Nice poster. What is that red thing there?”. “That now is a strawberry”. In a country where you have to be careful not to be bombarded by mango’s falling from the omnipresent trees, pineapple and papaya vendors are on every corner of the street and each local eating place sells

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All a woman wants

‘Why are you girls always going to the toilets together?’ already the boys in our Dutch highschool used to ask us. And apparently this is an universal problem: recently I read in the Ugandan national newspaper a column of a man who pondered about the same question (and gave a

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Getting stuck before moving with miraculous speed

Two times per day a mini-bus is passing through the district in Eastern Uganda to carry passengers to their destination, bumping for 3 hours over dust roads, since the whole district does not have any tarmac (nor electricity). Not being aware of this and wanting to start the yoghurt training

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Don’t tell me anything about dairy

Although I had heard a lot about the Banyankole tribe and their traditions, and had worked with them many times, with the traditional rural Banyankole as well as with the more ‘westernized’ one’s in urban areas, it was my first time to actually spend the night in a rural Banyankolle

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Growing deep roots

As I enter the head office of the East Africa Dairy Development in Kampala Ben, a middle aged colleague, lifts me from the ground ‘Welcome back!’. Unfortunately we were just standing in the doorpost, so I bump my head. This is just the beginning of a wonderful day full of

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Dust to dust, ashes to ashes, milk to yoghurt

It has not rained for almost two months now, and Uganda has turned into dust. Dust between my teeth, in my nose, my hair, my bed and dust sticking to my sweaty skin. While Europe and America get covered in snow and ice, Uganda experience the hottest two months of

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Nightshift in the North-East

It is past 5 pm when I arrive in North-Eastern Uganda, after I had set of from a guesthouse in Kampala at 6 am that morning. At the dairy cooperative, the last farmers of that day arrive with their milk. The local cows give only around 1 or 2 liter

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Yoba and Marriage

Monday morning. I have returned to the civilized world of the Ugandan Industrial Research Institute, were our Yoba yoghurt is produced also. At the design department I’m printing some posters and files which I will take with me when I return to the countryside. An employee, seated there at his

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