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Yoba for Life has started in Africa!

Yoba for Life has started in Africa!

On March 15 2011 Tiziana Pedrelli travelled to Uganda, in order to lead the first Yoba for Life internship.
Tiziana has recently obtained a Masters of Science (MSc) in Life Sciences from the ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften. During 6 months Tiziana will work at the small Yoghurt Factory Life Dairy Ltd. in Kikwayi, that was set up 7 years ago by the Dutch organisation SYPO (www.sypo.nl). Tiziana’s main task is to develop a practical procedure on how to produce the healthy probiotic Yoba drink by fermenting the local African milk with Lactobacillus yoba 2010. Furthermore, Tiziana will conduct a marketing study among the local population related to the positioning and communication of Yoba.

During her internship Tiziana will financially and technically be supported by the Yoba for Life Foundation.
In this Blog you can follow the experiences of Tiziana and the production of the first Yoba drinks in Africa.

We wish Tiziana a successful and enjoyable mission in the Mukono district.

Wilbert Sybesma and Remco Kort – Founders of Yoba for Life

Yoba for Life


1 comment

  1. hq montana 14 years ago 25th August 2011

    Just to let you know your site looks a little bit different in Safari on my laptop with Linux .


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