It’s already one month since I’m back in Switzerland from Uganda – how time flies! Beginning of September my father and I went to Uganda for a two week holiday, in the same time we wanted to visit the small village of Kateete. That is the place where the small yoghurt factory Life Dairy is located and where I lived most of the time last year for the Yoba project and. Beside our safari in Murchson Falls we also wanted to do some humanitarian aid work in order to help the local community of Kateete. We provided school material for the children, mattresses for families and furthermore we set up two education centre; a hairdressing centre for woman and a centre where the man can create pit latrine made of cement.
While I was traveling around Uganda, I took the opportunity to have a closer look at the actual situation of the Yoba Project; I visited the Uganda Industrial Research Institute (UIRI) in Kampala and the Life Dairy Yoghurt factory in Kateete. UIRI is still very interested in a large scale production of Yoba Drink at their site. Furthermore people from UIRI visited the Life Dairy yoghurt factory in Kateete and they had a very good impression – the factory is clean and the record books are in place. When I was in Kateete I could confirm that the factory is in the same conditions as I left one year ago. Compliments to the factory manager and to the worker to keep the factory as clean and as profitable as possible. Yoba Drink was produced at least thirty times in Kateete within one year and is distributed at the nearby schools and on special events in the nearby areas.
I’m convinced that the Yoba project will continue and that the great work done by Chris, Bernd and myself was a first step into introduction of probiotics in Africa.
Best regards, Tiziana
Wow, I must admit i love what you guys are doing in Uganda. Uganda is a very good place to do business in with very hospital people and favorable weather.