Yoba Probiotic Food Today:

7 COUNTRIES | 3 hundred companies
1 million consumers | 1 quadrillion probiotic yoba bacteria

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Destination: Entebbe Airport

Destination: Entebbe Airport

Hello readers!

Last wednesday I left the Netherlands for Uganda, as the final addition to the Yoba team. I will stay here 6 months together with Bernd to work on the project, as Tiziana will soon be flying back to Switzerland. After packing everything I thought I could possibly need, along with 200 tubes the people from Greiner Bio One were kind enough to donate to our project, I made my way to Amsterdam Airport in the evening. I arrived the next day at 9 in the morning at Entebbe, after a night with little sleep but full of excitement to see the country I would be living in. Luckily Kale, a friend of mine from Kampala, was there to pick me up and introduce me to his beloved city. We had lunch together, I exchanged my Euros for Shillings and I got dropped off at the lab for a full day of work. In the evening I finally made it to my guesthouse for some well-needed sleep.
In the weekend Maurits came to visit, a friend of Bernd and me who is currently living in Ethiopia. Together we went rafting on the Nile and travelling around to see the beautiful and lush nature the region has to offer. After this awesome weekend I was ready to get to work; these last few days we discussed the game plan for the upcoming period and repeated the production process of the yoghurt in the UIRI lab, so that Tiziana can feel sure she is leaving the project in good hands!

Overall I feel very happy to be here, and am excited to make this project a success! Thanks for reading, folks!

Chris Broekman

Chris Broekman



  1. Rieneke Leenders 14 years ago 7th September 2011

    Good Luck Chris, enjoy Africa!!

  2. Alex 14 years ago 8th September 2011

    Nice article Chris! I will be keeping an eye on your posts 🙂

  3. Marina 14 years ago 14th September 2011

    I can finally read something more detailed about your staying. Please write more about your work and how the project proceeds.


  4. Bobbo 13 years ago 26th November 2011

    I’m impeerssd by your writing. Are you a professional or just very knowledgeable?


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